Local Marketing

Since its establishment in 1960, KNPC undertook the construction, operation and maintenance of filling stations inside Kuwait. Local Marketing Department was created in 1961 to do this job. Consequently, the title of filling stations was transferred from KOC to KNPC.

They started by owning 14 stations, and with the continuous residential expansion, KNPC built many others, bringing the total number to 119 stations in 2004, distributed all over the country to serve consumers.
Filling stations have undergone significant modernization since inaugurating the first station in 1948 in West Ahmadi. In order to comply with the international standards, the new stations were distinctively designed with colors predominantly blue, and some were furnished with solar panels to generate electricity to provide energy for self-operation, and to convert the surplus into The Ministry of Electricity and Water network, which was already implemented in the two stations of Al-Zahra and Al-Raqqa which are currently operating with electric power, whereas the surplus is transferred to MEW network.
Keeping with the development, some stations have provided distinctive services to customers, inter alia, car wash service, engine oil exchange, shopping and catering services.
LM Depart coordinate with Kuwait Municipality, Public Authority for Roads & Transportation and the Public Authority for Housing Welfare in most of the studies they undertake to survey and build new residential areas, so that LMD could select sites for the construction of filling stations therein, together with the services provided by KNPC.


40 filling stations were privatized, and their ownership was transferred from KNPC to Al-Oula Fuel Marketing Co. Another 40 stations were also privatized, and their ownership transferred to Al-Soor Fuel Marketing Co., while 39 stations remained under the company's management.
Upon implementing the privatization projects, new tasks were assigned to the LM Department, represented by reconsidering the station designs and focusing on security, safety and health conditions therein. In this regard, and in collaboration with an international consulting office, a guidebook for the design and construction of fuel stations and tanks was developed, in addition to exercising supervision over "Al-Oula" and "Al-Soor" companies to ensure that all conditions and specifications stipulated by KNPC are complied with.


KNPC has drawn an ambitious plan to construct 100 new filling stations in various regions of Kuwait to meet the country's needs in the forthcoming years, whereas these stations fall under five groups.
Many stations were inaugurated in Sabah Al-Ahmad City, Jaber Al-Ahmad City, Northwest Al-Sulaibikhat, Al-Abdali Farms area, and Saad Al-Abdullah City, bringing the total operating stations owned by the company to 61, in addtion to 5 Mobile Stations to serve areas where no filling stations are available.


Local Marketing Department exerts great efforts to maintain the environment, health and safety, using the following: 

  • The introduction of the Vapor Recovery Unit (VRU);

  • Containing oil spills;

  • Product Measuring System (ATG);

  • Static discharge system by placing stickers next to the pumps to protect customers from fires;

  • Pinning warning and guide signs inside the sites;

  • Using renewable energy (solar energy).