Mina Al Ahmadi Refinery

Mina Al Ahmadi Refinery (MAA) was built in 1949 as a simple refinery with 25,000 bpd capacity to cover the local demand for Gasoline, Diesel and Kerosene. It occupies 10.5 km2 of land and is located directly on the seashore. Over the years, MAA was subject to 2-phase modernization. Today, with its upgraded and newly established units, totaling 39, MAA has increased its Refining capacity to 346,000 bpd. The new products have lower Sulfur content.

Key Facts

Major Milestones

  1. 1949

    Built in 1949.

    Located 42 km South Kuwait, West of Ahmadi, directly on the Gulf Coast.

    Starting production at 25,000 bpd.

  2. 1960

    With the establishment of the Company in 1960, MAA became part of KNPC.

  3. 1963

    In 1963, production capacity increased to 145,000 bpd.

  4. 1965

    In 1965, 2 CDU units were built each with to 135,000 bpd capacity to make MAA total production 250,000 bpd.

  5. 1978

    Gas liquefaction plant commissioned in 1978.

  6. 1984

    Refinery Modernization Project (RMP).


  7. 1986

    Further Upgrading Project (FUP).
  8. 2005

    The new South Pier was inaugurated to boost export capacities.

  9. 2014

    GT-4  commissioned 

Main Units

In addition to Secondary Units for Water Treatment Plant, Water Cooling Units, Sour Water Unit, Storage Tanks, etc… MAA has Main Units of: 

The Units produce lead-free Gasoline, MTBE, Alkenes and Propylene. Built in 1987.

Fluid Catalysts Cracking Unit was built in 1987 with 40,000 bpd. Capacity will increase to 42,500 bpd with CFP. Heavy Gas Oil is cracked into gasoline in this unit. Other products include LPG.

The unit refine 24,000 bpd of heavy Eocene oil to mainly produce Bitumen for the local market.

The Units handle 1,334 MT pd of Sulfur, the refining by-product. These units recover the Sulfur from the Acid Gas Removal Plants.

Contains a Naphtha 2-train complex to treat then separate the Naphtha into light and heavy products. The 2 units total capacity is 36,000 bpd.

MAA has 4 Gas trains for processing of Gas produced either from KOC oil fields or from KNPC Refineries. The Units recover Propane, Butane and Gasoline with 2,485 mmscfpd. Gas is used in power stations, local industries and domestic consumption. Condensates are also produced in these plants. 

Offshore Facilities

The offshore facilities are used mainly for the export of crude oil, petroleum products and Sulfur. The facilities were expanded several times to meet the increasing export demands. Sixteen loading arms were added to the South Pier and the 3rd & 4th Piers were upgraded so 4 oil tankers can dock simultaneously with 9,000 tons per hour loading capacity.


MAA produces all sorts of Petroleum by-products including Gasoline, Kerosene, Gasoil (Diesel), Bitumen, Naphtha, LPG and Sulfur.