
Al-Khateeb Visits KNPC “Iftar” Tent

Celebrated every Ramadan as part of the Company Social commitment, KNPC resumed Iftar Project charity initiative after 3 years of COIVD-19 related suspension, to gather about 1100 fasting person around the sunset meal in an enormous especially erected tent opposite of the Head Office in Al-Ahmadi City.
Actively participating in the event, CEO. Wadha Al-Khateeb sat down on the ground to eat among the fasters, shortly after checking the preparation, distribution, and cooking works, and closely monitoring the exerted efforts of the working teams responding to the increasing numbers of people accommodated along the 30 days of Ramadan.
"Kuwait National Petroleum Company celebrates this holy month by organizing Ramadan-themed culture and sport contests and activities," Eng. Wadha added wishing the society continual rituals of mercy and fraternal collaboration, in the country globally reputed for charity and humanitarian contributions.